Website News, The Move.
by JJ on Oct.15, 2019,under Web Site
In an attempt to save money, I tried to move my website to what is called "Shared Hosting." Unfortunately due to a lot of customizations, made by me, it did not work. Soooo, I ended up returning back to my VPS.
There is a possibility that I may have lost an E-mail or two in the process. Feel free to resend the E-mail.
[Geek Info]
Shared hosting is where I share the computer with other people. If I make a really bad error, I can bring down everyone. It is inexpensive, but making customizations are not, readily, available.
VPS hosting, I own a part of the computer, all by myself. The computer has four or more people on the same computer. I own a part of that computer, the other people don't know each other, or me. Because I have access to everything on my part of the computer, I can go crazy with my own portion, without affecting anybody else. And if I really go too crazy and screw up my portion, it does not affect anyone else.
[Geek Info]
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